Use your medical knowledge as a doctor or physiotherapist to cover sporting events with BUCS.

At  BUCS events annually, we provide an excellent opportunity for doctors and physiotherapists looking to enhance their sporting experience in multi sport environments. Many Physiotherapists who have gained experience here have gone on to gain more experience at other International games (e.g. World University Games, Commonwealth Games, Youth Olympic Games and the main Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

These events are therefore fantastic at enhancing your skills, experience and network to help grow your physiotherapy sporting career in a safe and inspiring environment.

For domestic events, BUCS covers expenses and daily rates for qualified doctors and physiotherapists. Students can also be involved in a shadowing capacity.

Information for Doctors 

Who can work for BUCS as a doctor?

We have three tiers of paid work as a doctor based on your level of experience.

1. Consultant or Qualified GP with considerable sports medicine & BUCS experience

Qualified consultant in SEM, EM, T&O or GP with extensive Sports Medicine & BUCS experience. You should be able to lead a medical team at a multi-sport or large single-sport event, be a Fellow or Diplomate member of the FSEM and have an in-date recognised prehospital sports trauma management certificate.

Day rates:

  • < 4 hours = £350
  • 4-8 hours = £425
  • 8 > hours = £500

2. ST4+ trainees or Registrars

Registrars with significant experience in SEM who would be able to cover a single-sport event unsupervised as well as supervise a less experienced doctor. You should have a recognised prehospital sports trauma management certificate and be either on a SEM training scheme or working towards a MSc/Diploma in SEM or Diplomate certification.

Day rates:

  • <4 hours = £250
  • 4-8 hours = £325
  • >8 hours = £400

3. ST1-3 or Clinical Fellows with Sports Medicine experience

Doctors with SEM experience in previous events who would be able to cover single sport events in a supervised environment. You should be either on a SEM training scheme or working towards MSc/Diploma in SEM or Diplomate certification, and have a recognised prehospital sports trauma management certificate.

Day rates:

  • <4 hours worked = £150
  • 4-8 hours = £225
  • >8 hours = £300

Voluntary positions

BUCS have 2 tiers of voluntary medical positions:

4. F2 – ST3

Doctors without the required SEM experience, who are keen to gain further exposure in Sports Medicine in a supervised environment.

5. FY1 / Medical student

F1 and students who have an interest in Sports Medicine in an observational capacity.

Terms and conditions

  • Payment is made to Level 1-3 doctors only.
  • Doctors deemed to be level 4-5 and medical students will be deployed as volunteers.
  • Tier of work & number of hours involved is to be agreed in advance of the event between the doctor(s) and BUCS CMO.
  • Daily rates are only paid if the doctor is working in their own time and not taking professional leave as part of their full-time role.
  • Travel expenses can be claimed for public transport or car travel at a rate of 30 ppm, up to a maximum of £100 per event.
  • All doctors working at BUCS events must hold a valid, up-to-date recognised pre-hospital sports trauma management course (e.g. PHICIS, ATMMIF, SCRUMCAPS, or equivalent) as well as appropriate professional indemnity to cover your role.
  • Once allocations are confirmed, it would be expected for you to attend. Cancellations should only be for unavoidable circumstances and would be required with as much notice as possible to avoid impacting on the event medical provision.

Medical Equipment

BUCS will provide a fully equipped trauma bag and emergency medication to be used by the attending doctors. 

Doctors in possession of their own trauma bag would be entitled to bring them along to the events for their own use if they prefer. 

Events deemed to have a high-risk profile for injury incidence will have paramedic cover from an external ambulance service, which will provide medical gases (oxygen and Entonox), an automated external defibrillator, a scoop/extrication board and immobilisation splints.

An emergency medical actional plan will be circulated prior to each event including all specific details for the particular event, the venue and the wider medical team.

Allocation of Doctors to events

A list of sports events and dates will be advertised shortly after the beginning of the academic year and once venues and dates are confirmed. Doctors are asked to indicate their availability for these events when signing up. Allocation will then occur as soon as possible after this and doctors will be contacted to confirm their bookings.  

Sign up

If you are keen to work with BUCS Medical please register your details via the form below. 

Applications will close on Friday 17 January 2025 - after this, you will be contacted and appointments will be made to events.

Please feel free to share this signing up link and the BUCS Medical website with your network.


Chief Medical Officer

Chief Medical Officer



Information for Physiotherapists 

Who can work for BUCS as a physiotherapist?

There are three tiers of involvement for physiotherapists:

  1. Senior BUCS Event Physiotherapist
  2. BUCS Event Physiotherapist
  3. Student BUCS Physiotherapist

Please download and familiarise yourself with the full descriptions of the aims of each role, plus the requirements & qualifications

Physiotherapy Equipment

Senior and Junior Physios need to provide their own physio kit bag. BUCS will reimburse consumables used, within reason. This will be dependant on event allocation.

BUCS can provide plinths for events. Equipment will be provided at the major events (BUCS Nationals & BUCS Big Wednesday).

Day Rates

Senior and Event Physios will be paid a daily rate for physio cover and travel expenses within reason.

If accommodation is required this will be provided and booked by BUCS.

Daily rates are based on CPD level:

  • Senior BUCS Physiotherapist: £225 plus expenses
  • BUCS Event Physiotherapist: £175 plus expenses
  • Student Physiotherapist: Expenses ONLY

Allocation of Physiotherapists to Events

A list of events and dates will be emailed out by the end of the year and eligible physiotherapists will be added to a WhatsApp Community Group to manage communications and outline working and governance processes.

Physiotherapists are asked to submit the form on the BUCS website to  indicate their availability for these events at the beginning of the academic and then calendar year.

If you miss these deadlines, there may be additional events released throughout the season that you may apply for but there is no guarantee of placement. 

Allocations are made depending on sports trauma qualifications, experience and skills mix available for each event.  


Applications have now closed for physiotherapists for the 2024-25 season. Physiotherapists are now being allocated to events. 

If you have any questions about working as a physio at a BUCS event, get in touch with [email protected]

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