
Take your cue out of the pub and into the BUCS Pool and Snooker Championships.

Get your eye in line for the BUCS pool programme, where we offer two different forms of the game: 

Eight-ball championship 
This format of the game is the one we all know and love. Set as a triangle for the break. A race to pot the black. But not before sinking either solids or strips first, this year is going to be better than ever, see the event page here with all information. 

Nine-ball championship 
More popular version of pool overseas, this is more of a number focus.
Set up as diamond for the break, balls must be sunk in numerical order, from one to nine. 


Skill, strategy and precision are important to success in the BUCS Snooker Championship. Held once a season, the Snooker Championships offers Team and Individual competitions, and isn't one to be missed. 

2024-25 Season

More information on dates and venues will be published on our events page in due course - BUCS Events.

Rules & Regulations can be found below:

BUCS General Regulations

BUCS Pool and Snooker Regulations


For any questions about Pool and Snooker, please email Joe O'Loughlin.

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