Volleyball regulations for 2024-25 | Updated 18 February 2025

Tuesday 18 February 2025 – BUCS Response to FIVB’s Rule Amendments

On 1 January 2025, the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) Official Volleyball Rules 2025-2028 came into effect for all competitions beginning after 1 January 2025. As such, BUCS can confirm that no changes will be made to BUCS competitions for the remainder of the 2024-25 season, i.e., the BUCS regulations remain unchanged, and the FIVB rules applied will be those prior to the 1 January 2025 update (FIVB Official Volleyball Rules 2021-2024).

VOL i The BUCS Volleyball Championships shall be conducted in accordance with the following BUCS sport specific regulations, the BUCS general regulations, and the FIVB Rules of the Game.

VOL ii In the event that these regulations contradict the BUCS general regulations, these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.

VOL iii In the event that these regulations contradict the FIVB Rules of the Game, these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.

VOL 1 There shall be separate Team Championships for Men and Women. The programme for each Championships shall include leagues and knockout competitions as per BUCS general regulations, Appendix 1 (‘BUCS Competition Offer and Associated BUCS Points’) and Appendix 10 (‘BUCS Promotion, Relegation and Knockout Information’).

VOL 2 Affiliations All institutions must affiliate with their National Governing Body, in accordance with, and by the deadline stated in, the BUCS Sport Specific Affiliations Document. Failure to do so will lead to sanctions as outlined in the BUCS Sport Specific Affiliations Document and possibly further disciplinary action.

VOL 3 Match format All fixtures shall be best of five sets and played under FIVB rules whereby all sets are rally points. The first four sets shall be first to 25 points and by two clear points. A deciding fifth set shall be first to 15 points and again by two clear points.

VOL 4 Fixture administration and arrangements

VOL 4.1 Court bookings and timings

VOL 4.1.1 A minimum hall booking of 2.5 hours is required. This shall comprise at least 10 minutes general warm up and 10 minutes for hitting and serving (as per FIVB rule 7.2), leaving at least two hours and 10 minutes for the match.

VOL 4.1.2 The warm up start time (note VOL 4.1.1) is the fixture start time and should be the time that is posted on BUCS Play. This cannot be before the relevant time stated in REG 9.3.5.

VOL 4.1.3 The match start time, in accordance with VOL 4.1.1, must not be less than 20 minutes after the warm up start time.

VOL 4.1.4 Teams must be advised of both the warm up start time and the match start time as part of the fixture confirmation. As such teams must arrive at the venue in good time to allow the warm up to start at the appointed time.

VOL 4.2 Facility requirements The following minimum standards are designed to ensure that students participating in BUCS Volleyball are able to do so in a safe and appropriate environment using suitable equipment. Matches will take place under the FIVB Rules of the Game, with the following additional provisions/amendments to facilitate and support BUCS competition:

VOL 4.2.1 Court/Hall provision

VOL The court should be of standard size, 18m x 9m, surrounded by a free zone which is a minimum of 3m wide.

VOL The surface must be flat, horizontal and uniform and not present any danger or injury to the players.

VOL For Premier Tier/National Championship fixtures, the free playing space (the space above the playing area which is free from any obstructions) shall measure a minimum of 7.5m in height from the playing surface. For all other fixtures, the free playing space shall measure a minimum of 6m from the playing surface.

VOL Courts lines must be clearly marked and visible. A court centre line must also exist and be clearly visible.

VOL 4.2.2 Posts and net

VOL All nets must include securely fastened antennae.

VOL Posts must be securely fixed to the ground without wires and there shall be no dangerous or obstructing devices. Nets fixed to walls are not acceptable for competition purposes.

VOL 4.2.3 Referee stand Courts must have a secure, stable, refereeing stand which will enable the 1st referee to control the game effectively.

VOL 5 Match officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).

VOL 5.1 A designated scorer, or scorers, must be assigned for each fixture to conduct the completion of the FIVB scoresheet but do not require to be qualified.

VOL 5.2 For Premier Tier/National Championship matches, two Line Judges must be provided by the home team. Failure to provide Line Judges will result in a £50 fine.

VOL 5.3 REG 10.6.3 is amended so that if an institution/Playing Entity has two appointed/booked referees, but one of these withdraws from a fixture later than 48 hours before the fixture start time, the remaining referee shall act as the 1st referee and the institution/Playing Entity may replace the other referee with a competent, experienced and suitable person, for example a player or coach, to act as 2nd referee, but they must inform the opposition of this before the match begins. Should both appointed/booked referees withdraw, or there is no suitable replacement found, then REG shall apply as appropriate.

VOL 6 Squad size The maximum squad size shall be 14 players.

VOL 6.1 Bench personnel Teams shall be allowed a maximum of five bench personnel.

VOL 7 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required to be on court for a fixture to start will be six.

VOL 8 Playing kit The FIVB Official Volleyball Rules shall apply, with the following variations:

VOL 8.1 Allowable shirt numbers shall be any number from 1 to 99. No two players in a team may wear the same number in a single match.

VOL 8.2 The colour and the design for the shorts and socks are not required to be uniform for the team, nor are libero players required to wear different dominant coloured/contrasting shorts or socks from the rest of the team.

VOL 8.3 The team captain is not required to have on their shirt a stripe of 8 x 2 cm underlining the number on the chest.

VOL 9 Late arrivals In the event of a team arriving late the following procedure shall apply:

VOL 9.1 Where both team captains agree, and sufficient hall time is available, then the match shall be played in full.

VOL 9.2 Where one team objects then the following procedure shall apply:

VOL 9.2.1 If a team is not on court and ready to play at the intended match start time, they shall be allowed a maximum of 15 minutes leeway to appear. At 15 minutes after the intended match start time the team that is late shall lose the first set 25-0.

VOL 9.2.2 They shall then lose a set for every subsequent 15 minutes that they are late until they are 45 minutes late at which point the match shall be awarded as a walkover.

VOL 9.2.3 If the team that is late arrives during one of the 15 minute leeway periods then they shall be allowed the balance of the time remaining within that period to warm up and be ready to play at the next deadline point. Therefore, it is possible for a team to arrive late, fall behind on sets but still win the match on the court of play.

VOL 10 Incomplete fixtures Draws are not permitted in volleyball. Where a fixture does not reach a conclusion:

VOL 10.1 If VOL 4.1.1 has been complied with and VOL 9 does not apply, or VOL 9.1 has been applied, the fixture should be classed as abandoned and rearranged at the away team’s venue, following the relevant procedure in REG 14.

VOL 10.2 If VOL 4.1.1 has been complied with and VOL 9.2 has been applied:

VOL 10.2.1 If the lateness of the team was caused through no fault of the team the fixture should be rearranged in line with REG 14. The venue of the rearranged match will be determined in line with REG 14.2, unless an alternative is agreed between the institutions/Playing Entities concerned.

VOL 10.2.2 Where the lateness was caused by the team, or one its members, that team shall concede a walkover.

VOL 10.3 If VOL 4.1.1 has not been complied with and VOL 9 does not apply, the team that booked insufficient court time shall concede a walkover.

VOL 10.4 If VOL 4.1.1 has not been complied with and VOL 9 does apply, the fixture should be classed as abandoned and rearranged at the away team’s venue, following the relevant procedure in REG 14.

VOL 11 Scoresheets All BUCS fixtures must be fully recorded on an FIVB scoresheet which should be provided by the home team. Failure to use an FIVB scoresheet will result in the forfeiture of a match by the home team where this is proven.

VOL 11.1 It is the responsibility of the home team for each fixture to keep a copy of the scoresheet until the end of the season. In the case of a match appeal or dispute regarding a result, the home team must be able to produce the scoresheet to BUCS when requested.

VOL 12 League points

VOL 12.1 Three points will be awarded for a win and no points for a loss.

VOL 12.2 Where a walkover has been awarded/conceded (REG 13), three points shall be given to the non-offending team and three points deducted from the offending team.

VOL 12.3 No points will be awarded to either team in the case of a void fixture.

VOL 13 Calculating final league positions

VOL 13.1 Final league positions will be primarily based on league points accumulated. However, should there be any ties on points within a league, they shall be split by the following sequential system:

VOL 13.2 A team tied on points who has conceded at least one voluntary walkover shall automatically be placed below any other tied teams who have conceded fewer voluntary walkovers. If a tie still exists, then VOL 13.3 or VOL 13.4 shall be followed as applicable.

VOL 13.3 Tie between two teams

VOL 13.3.1 The result between the teams will be the determining factor in placing one team above the other. Where fixtures are played on a ‘home’ and ‘away’ basis, the aggregate score of the two matches will determine the higher placed team. If this does not determine the higher placed team;

VOL 13.3.2 Sets and points data shall be used as per VOL 13.3.3 – VOL 13.3.5. If the tie on league points has been effected by any walkovers conceded to either of the teams or any void fixtures, all the relevant results against the team(s) which conceded the walkover(s) or the team(s) involved in the void fixtures (i.e. all the results between the teams tied on league points and the team(s) conceding the walkover(s)/void match(es)) will be removed from the results table and the recalculated sets and points data shall be used.

VOL 13.3.3 The team with the higher sets difference shall be deemed the higher placed team. If a tie still exists;

VOL 13.3.4 The team with the higher number of sets won shall be deemed the higher placed team. If a tie still exists;

VOL 13.3.5 The team with the higher points difference shall be deemed the higher placed team.

VOL 13.3.6 If the higher placed team cannot be determined from the system above, then this shall be determined by the toss of a coin by the BUCS Executive.

VOL 13.4 Tie between three or more teams

VOL 13.4.1 Where three or more teams are tied on league points, a table shall be formed to calculate their final league positions using the results between the relevant teams as per VOL 13.4.2 – VOL 13.4.5.

VOL 13.4.2 The teams tied will be ranked based on league points accumulated (the higher the better). If a tie still exists;

VOL 13.4.3 The teams tied will be ranked based on sets difference (the higher the better). If a tie still exists;

VOL 13.4.4 The teams tied will be ranked based on the number of sets won (the higher the better). If a tie still exists;

VOL 13.4.5 The teams tied will be ranked based on points difference (the higher the better).

VOL 13.4.6 If a tie cannot be broken using the system above, then the final league positions of any teams still tied shall be determined by the toss of a coin by the BUCS Executive.

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