Snowsports regulations for 2024-25 | Updated 12 February 2025

SNW i The BUCS Snowsports Championships shall be conducted in accordance with the following BUCS sport specific regulations, the BUCS general regulations, and the FIS (International Ski Federation) International Competition Rules (ICR), or, where more appropriate, especially in Alpine Skiing, the GB Snowsport British Competition Rules (BCR) or British Artificial Competition Rules (BACR) will be applied. Further event specific requirements, rules, and regulations will be contained within the entry and pre-event information for each Championship.

SNW ii In the event that these regulations contradict the BUCS general regulations, these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.

SNW iii In the event that these regulations contradict the FIS (International Ski Federation) International Competition Rules (ICR), or, where more appropriate, especially in Alpine Skiing, the GB Snowsport British Competition Rules (BCR) or British Artificial Competition Rules (BACR), these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.

SNW 1 Championships BUCS will host annually the following Championships:

SNW 1.1 BUDS (Dryslope) The programme shall include the events listed in Appendix 1 (‘BUCS Competition Offer and Associated BUCS Points’), subject to entry numbers.

SNW 1.2 Indoor Championships The programme shall include the events listed in Appendix 1 (‘BUCS Competition Offer and Associated BUCS Points’), subject to entry numbers.

SNW 1.3 Dryslope Championships The programme shall include the events listed in Appendix 1 (‘BUCS Competition Offer and Associated BUCS Points’), subject to entry numbers.

SNW 2 Captains requirements Captains are required to attend daily captains’ meetings at all BUCS Snowsports events. This is an opportunity for information on the competitions and timetable updates to be posted. Should captains not be present at the meeting the entire team can face disqualification and the team will also receive a fine of £25 per missed meeting. A representative of the captain can be present at these meetings should the captain not be available. It is the responsibility of the captain to pass on ALL information given to them to their team.

SNW 3 Valid runs For the competition results to be valid, at least one run must be started by all competitors intending on participating in that event. If a second run is not completed by all competitors then the results of the first run will become the final race results. This excludes disqualifications.

SNW 4 Event eligibility BUCS reserves the right to withdraw competitors who are deemed to be taking an unnecessary risk when entering any discipline. This decision will be discussed with the Jury in each discipline (Chief of Championships, Chief of Race and Referee) or in Freestyle the Judging Panel, and their decision is final.

SNW 5 Behaviour Unsportsmanlike behaviour towards other competitors and officials will not be tolerated. The Jury reserves the right to disqualify any team if this is seen and this decision cannot be protested. Competitors may also face further disciplinary action under BUCS General Regulations.

SNW 6 Seeding

SNW 6.1 For BUDS (Dryslope) and the Dryslope Championships, each institution/Playing Entity will be allowed two ‘Star Racers’ for Ski Race only, one male and one female, to ensure their best competitor qualifies automatically regardless of their qualifying run result. Star Racers must be declared before the deadline or the institution/Playing Entity forfeits one place in the qualifying list.

SNW 6.2 Competitors who hold a current and up to date license and have less than 300 BARTS points, will also qualify. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure their license is up to date. Licenses which have not been updated one week before the event will be considered invalid.

SNW 6.3 For Indoor Championships, BUCS does not use the STAR racers system or automatic qualification for seeded racers. You must qualify through Day 1 to participate in Day 2 of the Championships.

SNW 7 Dual slalom events

SNW 7.1 Teams

SNW 7.1.1 Ski dual teams must consist of five competitors and must contain at least one female and one male.

SNW 7.1.2 Snowboard dual teams must consist of four competitors.

SNW 7.1.3 Individuals who wish to be eligible for selection for a team or as a reserve must apply for the respective event on BUCS Play by the deadline listed in the entry information for that Championships. Institution Administrators must then assign the required number of individuals to the correct team during the approval process, approving any remaining individuals they wish as reserves.

SNW 7.1.4 Substitutions will be permitted as per the Entry Information and Event Guide for each Championships, however, the following restrictions shall also apply:

  • Individuals assigned to a team as part of the entry process shall not be shall not be permitted to compete for a lower ranked team under any circumstances.
  • Individuals are not permitted to move down to a lower ranked team between the qualifying round and the finals.
  • Individuals are not permitted to compete for more than one team in either stage (qualifying round/finals).

SNW 7.2 Start procedure Should there be no ‘traffic light system’ in place the following shall apply:

SNW 7.2.1 The first racer will be set off by the start official with subsequent racers starting on a flagged signal at the finish line.

SNW 7.2.2 The starter will ensure that both teams are present and ready, then commence with the starting procedure:

“Ready on the Red course, Ready on the Blue Course” (a command not a question)

“Racers Ready”

(Delay of between 0-3 seconds)


SNW 7.2.3 If racers are seen to move/be off balance after “Racers Ready” then the starter will use the maximum start time delay.

SNW 7.3 False starts

SNW 7.3.1 It is a false start if the front of the binding crosses the start line before:

  1. The start official says go
  2. The finish flag has gone down

SNW 7.3.2 Each team is allowed two false starts by their first racers, per race. If there is a third false start, the whole team is disqualified.

SNW 7.3.3 If subsequent team members start before the flag, then the next racers will incur a 3-5 second penalty, dependent on the length of the course and advised during rider brief. This will be counted by the start official for both teams. If this penalty is not observed then the team will be disqualified.

SNW 7.3.4 In the case of two consecutive false starts, with the next racer not adhering to the imposed time penalty, then the whole team will be disqualified.

SNW 7.3.5 If the final racer false starts the team is disqualified.

SNW 7.3.6 Rolling starts are not permitted – skiers and boarders need to be stationary before they start.

SNW 7.4 Finish

SNW 7.4.1 If the race position is close, the finish marshals or timing equipment (where possible) will determine the outcome.

SNW 7.4.2 If a racer crashes before the finish their momentum must carry them over the line.

SNW 7.4.3 Should the officials not be able to reach a decision; the race will be re-run.

SNW 7.5 During the race

SNW 7.5.1 If any member of the team abandons the course the team is disqualified.

SNW 7.5.2 Gates must be passed correctly or the team will be disqualified.

SNW 7.5.3 Should any racers straddle or miss a gate they are entitled to hike back up and ensure correct passage before crossing the finish line. This involves circumnavigating the gate – they must go up and around the top of the gate. Note: This only applies to dual slalom events and not any other racing event.

SNW 7.5.4 If both teams do not pass correctly, the first team to commit the fault is disqualified and the second team is put through to the next round.

SNW 8 Equipment

SNW 8.1 BUCS aims to be inclusive and will endeavour to ensure no competitor is excluded from the event due to equipment. BUCS does however urge competitors to familiarise themselves with the FIS equipment rules and therefore the requirements from the athletes.

SNW 8.2 In all disciplines competitors will not be permitted to race without a helmet.

SNW 8.2.1 Helmets with hard ears and no peaks are required for Giant Slalom.

SNW 8.2.2 Helmets for Giant Slalom must not have chin guards.

SNW 8.3 Back braces are encouraged.

SNW 8.4 Twin Tip skis are not allowed in alpine ski racing events.

SNW 8.5 In alpine racing full face helmets are not allowed, except for Slalom.

SNW 9 Freestyle Skiing and Snowboarding

SNW 9.1 All freestyle competitions will run in line with FIS rules and regulations except where stated below.

SNW 9.2 All freestyle events will be run in line with the BUCS Judging system (with a qualification round, followed by a semi-final and then a final), unless otherwise stated.

SNW 9.3 The Head Judge can at any point reduce the number of runs that athletes are allowed in the final in the interest of time and condition constraints.

SNW 9.4 If the competition is cancelled and the whole field hasn’t completed their second run, then results will be taken from the first run. If the final has to be cancelled and the whole field has not completed their first run then the final result will be seeded based on the scores from the qualification round.

SNW 9.5 Any protests regarding an athlete’s position ranking in a competition round must be made by the club captain and the athlete to the Head Judge before the next round of competition has started.

SNW 9.6 The Head Judge reserves the right to withdraw athletes from the competition if their ability isn’t suitable for the course and if they are at risk of injury or death.

SNW 9.7 The Head Judge’s decision is final.

SNW 10 Wherever possible, use of a slope misting system will be kept consistent throughout an entire race run, however this is not always possible due to the water capacity of the system in use. In this case, a misting system may be used 'intermittently' during a race.

SNW 11 Disputes at events In line with REG 7.7, should a dispute occur at an event, the event appeal panel for Snowsports shall comprise of a BUCS staff member the Head of the relevant discipline, adding any members of the Event Management Group as required.

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