GYM i The BUCS Gymnastics Championships shall be conducted in accordance with the following BUCS sport specific regulations, the BUCS general regulations, and the FIG (International Gymnastics Federation) Code of Points (2025-2028). Further event specific requirements, rules, and regulations will be contained within the entry and pre-event information for each Championship.
GYM ii In the event that these regulations contradict the BUCS general regulations, these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.
GYM iii In the event that these regulations contradict those of the FIG (International Gymnastics Federation) Code of Points (2025-2028), these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.
GYM 1 Championships BUCS will host annually a Gymnastics Championships. The programme shall include the events listed in Appendix 1 (‘BUCS Competition Offer and Associated BUCS Points’), subject to entry numbers. All competition specific event information will be available in the event entry information and pre-event information.
GYM 2 Individual categories
GYM 2.1 There shall be the following categories (levels) of individual competition, with all Women’s events taking place on day one of the Championships and all Men’s events on day two of the Championships:
GYM 2.1.1 Women
- Grade 4 – Floor and Vault competition against a BUCS judging criteria
- Grade 3 – Floor and Vault competition against a BUCS judging criteria
- Grade 2 – Gymnasts will compete on three pieces of apparatus against a BUCS judging criteria
- Grade 1 – Competition will be based on the full FIG Code of Points and gymnasts will be required to compete on all four pieces of apparatus
GYM 2.1.2 Men
- Grade 3 – Floor and Vault competition against a BUCS judging criteria
- Grade 2 – Competition will be based on the FIG Junior Code of Points with BUCS judging criteria amendments and gymnasts will be required to compete on four pieces of apparatus
- Grade 1 – Competition will be based on the full FIG Code of Points and gymnasts will be required to compete on all six pieces of apparatus
GYM 2.2 Competitors must compete in the appropriate competition for their level of ability. The Tournament Director reserves the right to refuse entry to the competition if it is clear that competitors are entered in the wrong category.
GYM 3 Team categories
GYM 3.1 There will be a Men’s Team and a Women’s Team Championships. By entering the individual categories, competitors in Grade 1 and Grade 2 are eligible to count for the team categories.
GYM 3.2 To qualify for a team score competitors must compete in all of the apparatus required for the category in which they are competing.
GYM 3.3 The points from up to the top four placed individuals from the same institution/Playing Entity (minimum two) will be added together and the team with the highest number of points will be the overall team winner. Only one team per institution/Playing Entity will be counted.
GYM 3.4 Team scores will be calculated based on final overall individual positions. The top placed competitor in Grade 1 will receive a point score equivalent to the total number of competitors in Grades 1 and 2. Thereafter points will be awarded in descending order, first through Grade 1 and then through Grade 2. I.e.: If there are 10 competitors in Grade 1 and 20 in Grade 2, the top placed competitor in Grade 1 will receive 30 points, 2nd place 29 points, 3rd place 28 points and so on to 10th place receiving 21 points. The top placed competitor in Grade 2 will receive 20 points, 2nd place 19 points, 3rd place 18 points and so on to 20th place receiving one point.
GYM 4 Clothing Competitors are required to present themselves for competition clothed in the correct attire, which follows the guidelines set out by British Gymnastics.
GYM 5 Coaches Each institution/Playing Entity is required to bring to the Championships an appropriately qualified coach, or coaches, who will take responsibility for their gymnast(s) while they are competing. Coaches must be British Gymnastics qualified to a minimum of level 2, with the correct skill set for the competing gymnast(s) for which they are responsible. A gymnast cannot be their own coach.
GYM 6 Awards
GYM 6.1 In Grades 1 and 2, medals will be awarded to the top three placed individuals in the all-around competition and on each apparatus.
GYM 6.2 In Grades 3 and 4, medals will be awarded to the top three placed individuals overall and separately on Floor and Vault.
GYM 6.3 Medals will be awarded to the top three placed Men’s and Women’s overall teams.
GYM 6.4 BUCS Points will be awarded to the top four placed Men and Women in the all-around competition in Grade 1 only.
GYM 6.5 BUCS Points will be awarded to the top eight placed Men’s and Women’s overall teams.
GYM 7 Disputes at events In line with REG 7.7, should a dispute occur at an event, the event appeal panel for Gymnastics shall comprise of the Tournament Director and a BUCS staff member.