REG 4 Individual Eligibility | Published 3 September 2024

REG 4.1 Eligible participants For an individual to be eligible to participate in BUCS competitions they shall:

REG 4.1.1 Be a registered student at an institution which holds a level of BUCS membership which entitles them to participate in BUCS competitions.

REG An individual can only represent an institution/Playing Entity with which they are registered.

REG Establishing which institution/Playing Entity an individual may represent on a seasonal basis is determined via which Playing Entities are being utilised to function within BUCS competitions and the individual’s relationship to them. (Note REG 2.6).

REG No individual may compete for more than 1 institution/Playing Entity in a BUCS season (1 August – 31 July).


REG 4.1.2 Be aged 18 or over.

REG Students studying at BUCS member institutions in Scotland will be eligible to compete in all BUCS competitions from the age of 17.


REG 4.1.3 Be registered on a course which is at or above one of the following minimum levels:

  • Level 4 on the Framework for higher education qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (FHEQ).
  • Level 6 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).
  • Level 3 on the Regulated Qualifications Framework for England and Northern Ireland (RQF).
  • Level 3 on the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW).
  • Level 3 standalone QAA Access to HE Diploma


REG 4.1.4 Be undertaking a study programme equivalent to:

  • Where the course is credit rated under CATS (Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme), at least 60 credits per year.
  • Where the course is run using guided learning hours, a minimum of 225 hours per year.
  • Where the course is a postgraduate course which is not credit rated, no less than 50% of the full time student programme per year.

REG A year will be taken as 12 months from the start date of their course. If a course finishes in the middle of the academic year, please refer to REG 4.2.2.


REG 4.1.5 Be a player who is permitted by the International or National Governing Body of the sport concerned to participate in BUCS competition alongside any other competition in that sport.


REG 4.1.6 Have paid the appropriate Athletic Union or equivalent subscription.

REG 4.2 Special cases for participation The following individuals are classified as eligible to represent their institution in BUCS competitions:

REG 4.2.1 A sabbatical officer of an Athletic Union, Students’ Union, or equivalent body, who has paid the appropriate Union (or equivalent body) subscription.

REG 4.2.2 A student satisfactorily finishing their course of study after the start of December will be eligible to participate until the end of the season provided their Athletic Union or equivalent subscription has been paid and their institution still classifies them as a registered student.

REG Satisfactorily finishing a course of study is not when a student graduates, but is deemed to be when their teaching, research and/or examinations are completed.

REG Suspension of studies is not classed as satisfactorily finishing a course of study. Any student who has their studies suspended must wait until their studies recommence and they meet the requirements of REG 4.1 to compete again. (Note REG 4.2.5 for an exception to this).

REG 4.2.3 A student from a BUCS member institution embarking on a Sandwich Course and/or Study Abroad Course is eligible during this time provided all of the following:

REG They have paid the appropriate Athletic Union or equivalent subscription;


REG The duration of the placement/course in industry and/or study abroad is 1 year or less.

REG If the duration is more than 1 year, then the student will be deemed ineligible after the passing of the 12 month mark.

REG 4.2.4 A visiting student doing a Study Abroad Course (e.g. Erasmus) at a BUCS member institution is eligible during this time if they and their study programme meet the requirements of REG 4.1.

REG 4.2.5 Any student who has their studies suspended on medical grounds during the season, but still meets all other requirements of REG 4.1, shall be eligible to participate until the end of the season. BUCS may request evidence of suspension of studies on medical grounds in order to ascertain the eligibility of an individual to compete. Such evidence will be treated confidentially. Any costs associated with obtaining such information cannot be covered by BUCS.

REG 4.3 Transgender athletes The participation of a transgender athlete in competitive sport must not be restricted unless it is proportionate to the aim of securing safe and/or fair competition. The following sub-regulations outline the processes for determining eligibility for each sport.

REG 4.3.1 Where the National Governing body for the sport where the activity is taking place has a policy on transgender participation in sport this shall be followed. If the National Governing Body does not have a policy on transgender participation the International Federation policy on transgender participation shall be followed. Where both the National Governing Body and International Federation have no such policy, REG 4.3.2 through to REG 4.3.3 shall apply.

REG 4.3.2 Transgender athletes not taking hormone treatment Any transgender athlete who is not taking hormone treatment related to gender transition may participate in BUCS competitions in accordance with their gender as assigned at birth.

REG A trans male (female to male) who is not taking testosterone relating to gender transition may participate in male or female competition. However they may not compete in both categories within 1 BUCS season. For example, if a trans male chooses to compete in male competition, they may not compete in any female competition in any sport in the same season.

REG A trans female (male to female) who is not taking hormone treatment related to gender transition may not compete in female competition, but may participate in a male competition.

REG 4.3.3 Transgender athletes undergoing hormone treatment for gender transition The following will determine in which category a transgender athlete is eligible to compete.

REG A trans male (FTM) who has received medical treatment with testosterone related to gender transition may compete in male competition but is no longer eligible to compete in female competition.

REG A trans female (MTF) being treated with testosterone suppression medication related to gender transition is eligible to compete in male competition and is not eligible to compete in female competition until completing 1 calendar year of testosterone suppression treatment.

REG 4.3.4 Mixed events A transgender athlete will be eligible to compete in mixed competitions in their affirmed gender, subject to REG 4.3.2 through to REG 4.3.3.

REG 4.3.5 Medical evidence BUCS may request medical evidence in order to ascertain the eligibility of a transgender athlete to compete in a category. Such medical evidence will be treated confidentially. Any costs associated with obtaining such information cannot be covered by BUCS.

REG 4.3.6 Anti-Doping Drug testing procedures and prohibitions, as outlined in REG 4.5, also apply to athletes who identify as transgender. Any athlete receiving treatment involving a Prohibited Substance or Method, as described on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List, should apply for a standard Therapeutic Use Exemption.

REG 4.4 Under no circumstances may a player be permitted to compete for a team of the opposite sex, with the exception of athletes falling under REG 4.3, specific mixed sex Championships or those listed as allowing mixed teams in the Sport Specific Regulations.

REG 4.5 Anti-Doping All BUCS participants are subject to the Anti-Doping rules of their sport’s National Governing Body, and as such are subject to testing.

REG 4.5.1 Any individual who is serving an Anti-Doping Rule Violation will not be eligible to participate in any BUCS competitions.

REG 4.5.2 Disqualification of results in competitions subsequent to sample collection or commission of an Anti-Doping rule violation In addition to the automatic disqualification of the results in the competition which produced the positive Sample, all other competitive results of the individual obtained from the date a positive sample was collected (whether in-competition or out-of-competition) shall, unless fairness requires otherwise, be disqualified, with all resulting consequences including forfeiture of any medals, points and prizes.

REG 4.5.3 If more than 2 team members in a team sport are found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation during an event period, BUCS shall impose the appropriate sanction which will be determined by the disciplinary panel, in line with REG 5.

REG 4.6 Allowing ineligible participants to represent an institution/Playing Entity will result in a charge of misconduct being raised against the institution/Playing Entity and appropriate disciplinary action taken in accordance with REG 5. Athletic Union or equivalent staff should in cases of doubt refer the circumstances to the BUCS Executive.


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