Please note: REG 11 applies to the Team Championships conducted as part of the National, Premier and Conference League/Knockout programme.
For additional guidance on team selection, see Appendix 6 (‘BUCS Team Selection Guide’). For a copy of the BUCS Team Sheet Pro Forma, see Appendix 7 (‘BUCS Team Sheet Pro Forma’).
REG 11.1 Team selection
REG 11.1.1 All individuals in a team must be from the same Playing Entity and meet the individual eligibility requirements of REG 4.
REG 11.1.2 Where a Playing Entity has more than one team in a Championships (for example Men’s Football) it would be expected that when making team selections that their first team would always be the strongest team available to represent them, followed by the second team and so on, and that they are selecting teams on each day any of them has a fixture as if all their teams in the Championships are playing on that same day, at the same time, and in a match of equal importance, even if they are not.
Playing entities need to have reasonable flexibility in managing their team selections, and what may be considered a fair team selection is subjective and challenging to regulate, so the following restrictions shall be enforced to help support the principle of fair team selection:
REG Individuals may not be fielded (including as an unused substitute) for multiple teams in the same sport on the same day.
REG Where a Playing Entity is found to have fielded an individual for multiple teams in the same sport on the same day, the following shall apply:
- In the case of a league match: If a breach of REG has been identified before the relevant league deadline date as identified in Appendix 2 (‘BUCS Leagues and Knockouts – Dates and Deadlines’) for the fixture for which there was a breach, the fixture shall be conceded as a walkover win to the opposition.
- In the case of a knockout competition match: If a breach of REG has been identified before the following round, the fixture shall be conceded as a walkover win to the opposition. If, due to the proximity to the following round of the breach being identified, the team awarded the walkover win is not able to fulfil the following round fixture, this shall be recorded as an involuntary walkover win to the opposition, unless both teams agree to reschedule the fixture.
- The first fixture an individual is fielded for is not affected as at this point REG has not been breached, only any subsequent fixture(s) shall be affected.
- A Playing Entity wishing to report a breach of REG to the BUCS Executive should do so via email to [email protected] and will be expected to ensure that there is validity to any claims before they make their report. As such, the Match Appeals process (REG 15) does not have to be used to raise such breaches. Reports deemed to be frivolous or not containing adequate information may result in disciplinary action.
REG Normality An individual establishes normality for a particular team by being selected for a majority (more than 50%) of that team's total league fixtures scheduled for the season and is then no longer eligible to be selected for a lower ranked team in any league, knockout competition or playoff fixtures for the remainder of that season, except in cases where other regulations provide an exemption.
In the rare case that an individual has not established majority for a particular team based on selections for this team alone, but has been selected for multiple higher ranked teams, then the totals of these will be combined and counted against the lowest of these teams' total league fixtures scheduled for the season. If this would result in them establishing normality for this team, then they are no longer eligible to represent any lower ranked team in any league, knockout competition or playoff fixtures for the remainder of that season.
REG Where a Playing Entity is found to have fielded (including as an unused substitute) an individual for a team below one which they have established 'normality' for:
- In the case of a league match: If a breach of REG has been identified before the relevant league deadline date as identified in Appendix 2 (‘BUCS Leagues and Knockouts – Dates and Deadlines’) for the fixture for which there was a breach, the fixture shall be conceded as a walkover win to the opposition.
- In the case of a knockout competition match: If a breach of REG has been identified before the following round, the fixture shall be conceded as a walkover win to the opposition. If, due to the proximity to the following round of the breach being identified, the team awarded the walkover win is not able to fulfil the following round fixture, this shall be recorded as an involuntary walkover win to the opposition, unless both teams agree to reschedule the fixture.
- A Playing Entity wishing to report a breach of REG to the BUCS Executive should do so via email to [email protected] and will be expected to ensure that there is validity to any claims before they make their report. As such, the Match Appeals process (REG 15) does not have to be used to raise such breaches. Reports deemed to be frivolous or not containing adequate information may result in disciplinary action against the institution/Playing Entity.
REG 11.1.3 Where a Playing Entity has more than one fixture scheduled across its teams in a Championships on a given day, priority must be given to the highest ranked team and then in descending order through their teams should the Playing Entity be unable to fulfil all scheduled fixtures. Matches played in contravention of this regulation will be awarded to the opposition, or in certain circumstances, be voided. For example, a Playing Entity may NOT concede a walkover at second team level, while continuing to field a lower ranked team on the same day.
REG For possible exceptions to REG 11.1.3 due to ‘Ring Fencing’ of teams, refer to REG 11.1.5.
REG Involuntary walkovers may be granted if applied for in accordance with walkover regulations in REG 13 meaning that REG 11.1.3 would be suspended in some instances, for example on health and safety grounds. Application to suspend REG 11.1.3 must be made to the BUCS Executive in advance of affected fixtures.
REG 11.1.4 Medical exemptions
REG Individuals returning from injury who have established normality for a team may be authorised to be fielded (including as an unused substitute) for a lower ranked team by their Athletic Union (or equivalent) for league fixtures only.
REG A medical exemption form, completed and verified by an Athletic Union (or equivalent) representative prior to the fixture, must be presented at the league fixture in question when team sheets are being verified and must be retained and available upon request until the official BUCS season close each year. The date of the BUCS season close will be the first day of BUCS Conference each year. For a copy of a medical exemption form, please see Appendix 4 (‘BUCS Medical Exemption Pro Forma’).
REG Exemptions only apply to one league fixture in a lower ranked team while returning to fitness.
REG An individual may only be granted a medical exemption if they are returning following a period of absence from competition, they cannot take part in successive fixtures. I.e. they must have been unable to take part in a fixture due to injury prior to the medical exemption being required.
REG Medical exemptions may only be applied if the return from injury is being overseen by an acceptable medical professional.
REG Playing Entities are advised that BUCS may request a formal letter from said medical professional(s) to verify the validity of the exemption. In doing so no confidential details will be required. Named medical professionals must therefore be prepared to confirm validity of the exemption.
REG The named individual must be prepared to permit the treating medical professional identified on the medical exemption form to verify that they are:
- Treating the individual, and;
- It is upon their medical advice the individual is acting.
REG Where an individual requires an extended period to return to fitness, within a season, their Athletic Union (or equivalent) can apply to the BUCS Executive for clearance. Such an application must be made before the individual in question participates in any further fixtures. An extended period is anything beyond one fixture.
REG Medical exemptions are not permitted for knockout competition or playoff fixtures.
REG 11.1.5 Ring Fenced teams Ring Fenced teams will be denoted by their specific group being named in brackets, e.g. (Medics). Information on how to apply for Ring Fencing can be found in REG 2.6.7. Ring Fencing of teams allows for a variation to the standard BUCS Team Selection regulations within the BUCS Team Championships (Leagues/Knockouts) by allowing a Playing Entity to identify separate groupings of student-athletes such as ‘Medics’ and as a result have separate groupings to which the Team Selection regulations shall apply. The below is an illustration of how team selection/student-athlete movement operates when a Playing Entity has Ring Fenced teams.

REG 11.2 Team sheets
REG 11.2.1 For all fixtures, teams are required to complete and have the opposition verify (approve or dispute) a team sheet prior to the match starting.
REG 11.2.2 Team sheets should be completed and verified on BUCS Play in accordance with REG 11.2.3-11.2.9. However, should it not be possible for this process to be completed on BUCS Play prior to the match starting, for example there is no Wi-Fi or mobile phone reception at the venue, then the teams should follow the process of REG 11.2.10. All teams are advised to carry with them at least two hard copies of the BUCS Team Sheet Pro Forma (Appendix 7) so that they are adequately prepared for any such scenario.
REG 11.2.3 The overriding principle should always be to complete fixtures. If issues are identified that a team may wish to appeal against (REG 15), they should 'dispute' their opposition's team sheet as detailed in these regulations and complete a Playing Under Protest Form as outlined in REG 12.
REG 11.2.4 Each team is responsible for ensuring that all individuals they wish to represent them are selected for the fixture and listed on the match team sheet on BUCS Play.
REG 11.2.5 To enable verification that the individuals representing the team are those listed on the team sheet, all individuals are required to provide photographic identification. Such identification will ideally take the form of a valid student card for their institution.
REG 11.2.6 The two teams should review the list of names on their opposition’s match team sheet and cross-reference these with the individual photographic identification provided by each member of the team, whilst also checking that the individuals present match the IDs they have provided.
REG 11.2.7 If either captain finds that any individuals on the opposition team are unable to provide identification, or otherwise has any concerns over their eligibility, they should complete a Playing Under Protest Form (REG 12) detailing any grievances and ‘dispute’ the team sheet on BUCS Play as per REG 11.2.9. Where individuals are unable to provide identification, time and date stamped photographs should be taken on the day of any individual(s) in question. Any individual refusing to have their photograph taken should be noted on the Playing Under Protest Form. Verification should then be sought post-fixture with the appropriate Athletic Union (or equivalent) representative(s).
REG Photographs taken in accordance with REG 11.2.7 must be used only for the purpose of verifying eligibility and any misuse of these photographs could lead to disciplinary action.
REG 11.2.8 It is advised, to avoid the need for verification post-fixture, that teams should take to all fixtures a list of individuals, including copies of individual photographic identification, that has been verified by their Athletic Union (or equivalent) as showing only individuals who meet the eligibility requirements of both their institution/Playing Entity and REG 4. This list must capture the following information regarding the Athletic Union (or equivalent) representative that has verified the identification: Position, name (printed), signature, and date of verification. Responsibility shall sit with the Athletic Union (or equivalent) to ensure that this list remains valid and correct as the season progresses, making any amendments as required.
REG 11.2.9 Once a captain has checked the opposition’s team sheet and followed the above steps, they must either ‘approve’ or ‘dispute’ the team sheet on BUCS Play. Any captain disputing a team sheet must correctly complete a Playing Under Protest Form (REG 12) to detail why they team sheet has been disputed.
REG 11.2.10 Should it not be possible for Team sheets should be completed and verified on BUCS Play, for example there is no Wi-Fi or mobile phone reception at the venue, then the following steps should be followed for correct completion and verification of hard copy team sheets prior to the match starting. All teams are advised to carry with them at least two hard copies of the BUCS Team Sheet Pro Forma (Appendix 7) so that they are adequately prepared for any such scenario. If a team does not have a BUCS Team Sheet Pro Forma with them, any equivalent paperwork used/produced must meet the requirements of REG
REG The overriding principle should always be to complete fixtures. If issues are identified that a team may wish to appeal against (REG 15), they should 'dispute' their opposition's team sheet as detailed in these regulations and complete a Playing Under Protest Form as outlined in REG 12.
REG There must be in some form a minimum of two copies of the team sheet, one for the home team to retain and one for the away team to retain (note REG Each team is responsible for the correct completion and retention of their own copy.
REG Team sheets must be completed and verified before the match starts, including being signed by both captains (and recording the time of signing). The following essential information must be captured on each team sheet:
- Fixture information (Sport, league/knockout competition name, date and time of fixture, venue, home team name, away team name)
- Names of team members (Each team is responsible for ensuring that all individuals they wish to represent them are listed on the team sheet)
- An indication for each individual that their ID has been seen and verified by the opposition captain (note the following point)
- An indication of any specific players to be queried further
- Any individuals with a medical exemption authorised by their Athletic Union (or equivalent) as per REG 11.1.4
Failure to capture the minimum information required may invalidate any appeal in this regard.
REG To enable verification that the individuals representing the team are those listed on the team sheet, all individuals are required to provide photographic identification. Such identification will ideally take the form of a valid student card for their institution.
REG The two teams should review the list of names of their opposition’s team members on the team sheet and cross-reference these with the individual photographic identification provided by each member of the team, whilst also checking that the individuals present match the IDs they have provided.
REG If either captain finds that any individuals on the opposition team are unable to provide identification, or otherwise has any concerns over their eligibility, they should complete a Playing Under Protest Form (REG 12) detailing any grievances as well as noting on the team sheet the individual(s) unable to be verified. Where individuals are unable to provide identification, time and date stamped photographs should be taken on the day of any individual(s) in question. Any individual refusing to have their photograph taken should be noted on the Playing Under Protest Form. Verification should then be sought post-fixture with the appropriate Athletic Union (or equivalent) representative(s).
REG Photographs taken in accordance with REG must be used only for the purpose of verifying eligibility and any misuse of these photographs could lead to disciplinary action.
REG It is advised, to avoid the need for verification post-fixture, that teams should take to all fixtures a list of individuals, including copies of individual photographic identification, that has been verified by their Athletic Union (or equivalent) as showing only individuals who meet the eligibility requirements of both their institution/Playing Entity and REG 4. This list must capture the following information regarding the Athletic Union (or equivalent) representative that has verified the identification: Position, name (printed), signature, and date of verification. Responsibility shall sit with the Athletic Union (or equivalent) to ensure that this list remains valid and correct as the season progresses, making any amendments as required.
REG Once a captain has checked the opposition’s team sheet and followed the above steps, they must sign the team sheet (and record the time of signing). Any captain querying any individuals on a team sheet must correctly complete a Playing Under Protest Form (REG 12) to detail why they are being queried.
REG Upload to BUCS Play and retention Following the fixture, each team should return their copy of the team sheet to their Athletic Union (or equivalent) who will then be responsible for transferring this information to BUCS Play and either ‘approving’ or ‘disputing’ the team sheet depending on whether any issues were raised. A scan or photograph of the team sheet can also be uploaded to evidence the original hard copy. All hard copy team sheets must be retained and available upon request until the official BUCS season close each year. The date of the BUCS season close will be the first day of BUCS Conference each year.
REG Data protection All institutions/Playing Entities should be adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Hard copy team sheets should be retained for your institution/Playing Entity’s records (note REG, and if required submitted to opposition Athletic Unions (or equivalent) or BUCS for verification and must be kept securely in line with current data protection regulations. Should BUCS request a copy, the data provided on the team sheet will only be used for the specific purpose of individual eligibility and team selection verification and used in line with BUCS’ Privacy Policy.
REG 11.2.11 A team not completing the steps of REG 11.2.1–REG 11.2.9/REG 11.2.10 adequately cannot appeal in this regard. The Playing Under Protest and appeal regulations apply – as soon as a grievance is noted before or during a fixture a Playing Under Protest Form must be completed immediately. Only when adequate steps have been taken and a grievance comes to light post-fixture is an appeal valid without a Playing Under Protest Form.
REG 11.2.12 Should team sheets be required post-fixture to resolve a dispute and an Athletic Union (or equivalent) be unable to provide adequate records to meet the request, they shall automatically lose any correlating appeal and may face further disciplinary action.
REG 11.2.13 Institutions/Playing Entities not completing team sheets adequately will be subject to sanctions by BUCS as detailed in Appendix 11 (‘BUCS Disciplinary Sanction Guidelines’) and in these regulations. Checks will be conducted by the BUCS Executive throughout the season to monitor compliance, with specific correlating sanctions for breaches identified through these checks as follows:
REG Spot Checks The BUCS Executive will undertake spot checks on individual teams’ team sheets throughout the season. A team will not be spot checked after their league’s results submission deadline has passed. If any breaches are found during spot checks, then the following sanctions will be applied to the team:
- 1-2 missing/incomplete team sheet(s) – written warning from BUCS.
- 3 missing/incomplete team sheets – a one-point deduction in their league competition.
- 4+ missing/incomplete team sheets – a three-point deduction in their league competition.
Any missing/incomplete knockout competition team sheets will not count towards the above sanctions, but teams not correctly completing team sheets for knockout competition matches could still face consequences such as not being able to appeal or losing appeals because of this.
REG Issues raised through appeals/by other institutions If the BUCS Executive become aware of missing/incomplete team sheets, either through a BUCS Match Appeals Process or via a report from another institution, then sanctions will be applied. Any issues to be raised must be lodged with the BUCS Executive prior to the respective league results submission deadline for a team, unless being raised as part of a match appeal which is in progress or for which an appeal submission or response deadline extension has been granted. If any breaches are found during spot checks, then the following sanctions will be applied to the team:
- 1-2 missing/incomplete team sheet(s) – written warning from BUCS.
- 3 missing/incomplete team sheets – a one-point deduction in their league competition.
- 4+ missing/incomplete team sheets – a three-point deduction in their league competition.
Any missing/incomplete knockout competition team sheets will not count towards the above sanctions, but teams not correctly completing team sheets for knockout competition matches could still face consequences such as not being able to appeal or losing appeals because of this.
REG End of Season Review The BUCS Executive will undertake a review of team sheet compliance on a team-by-team basis. Institutions with teams found to have completed less than 60% of their league team sheets throughout the season, will incur a £100 fine per team, capped at a maximum of £500. As part of this check, the BUCS Executive will not retrospectively apply any sanctions which would have been imposed for missing/incomplete team sheets if found during the season.
REG For the purposes of REG, an "incomplete team sheet" shall be one which has named on it less than the minimum number of participants required to start the fixture as per the Sport Specific Regulations. However, teams should be following REG 11.2.1–REG 11.2.9/REG 11.2.10 and listing all individuals selected for a fixture and may lose appeals or face other disciplinary action for not having done so.