Charges of misconduct can be brought against a BUCS member institution/Playing Entity under REG 5.
Starting from the 2022-23 season we will publish decision sheets and/or case summaries for Misconduct charge hearings, to aid transparency and understanding of our disciplinary processes and to be used as an educational tool.
These may contain, but shall not be limited to, a summary of the charge(s) considered and any response(s) from the institution/Playing Entity charged, a summary of discussions at the hearing, the decision of the panel and any sanctions imposed.
Published decisions sheets/case summaries will not carry the names of any institution/Playing Entity or individuals involved and other elements may be removed or redacted as deemed necessary by the BUCS Executive.
Please note: Whilst these decision sheets/case summaries may be helpful for institutions/Playing Entities to refer to when considering whether or not to submit a complaint, or how to respond to a charge, and future Panels will refer back to previous cases of a similar nature when making a ruling, it is important to note that every case is different and so however similar cases may seem, no specific outcome is guaranteed. It is also important to note that between seasons, regulations change and so regulations referenced in cases from previous seasons may differ from current regulations.