We are currently seeking partners to manage and deliver multiple events throughout the 2022-23 season

The BUCS 2022-23 Cycling and Para Cycling programme consists of several events through the season for all types of cycling athletes from Track to Downhill Mountain Biking - we have it all! 

We are currently seeking partners to manage and deliver multiple events throughout the 2022-23 season. 

Here is a list of events that are now open for potential bids to host: 

3 - Up Team Time Trial

The BUCS 3-Up Team Time Trial is a Cycling Road Race event where three riders work together to achieve the fastest time around a course. This event simulates a "break" from the main group within a road race. As this is a time trial, it can either take place on a measured course on public roads which are open to traffic or on a closed race circuit. Teams are set off in intervals and are racing against the clock... Sounds fun right!   

10 - Mile Time Trial

The BUCS 10 - Mile Time Trial is in the name... An individual against the clock, riding for 10-miles. Athletes are set off at a staggered start and will be riding on open roads in a course set by the hosts. Whatever level of athlete you are, entering this event gives you a chance to race your own personal best or create a new pb! 

25 - Mile Time Trial

Similar to 10 - Mile Time Trial, 25 - Mile Time trial is an event where individuals cycle against the clock to get the quickest time on a 25-mile route. As this is a time trial, it takes place on a measured course on public roads which are open to traffic. Individuals are set off in intervals and are working alone in this event.  

Road Race

After two years off, the BUCS Cycling Road Race event has returned! This is an event where riders compete to be the first to cross the line. Sounds easy? It’s not… this Championship includes more than speed, riders work together and against one another to make sure that they come out on top. It is a longer distanced race; in 2022 it was 91.8km for the Women’s Championship and 122.4km for the Men’s Championship. Like the time trial events, this event takes place on an open circuit so racers need to pay attention to make sure they safely cross the line.

Information about process

BUCS welcome bids to host from individual universities/ cycling clubs or cycling clubs working together. Please see the tabs below which provide more detail. If you would like to see how the events have been run in the past, please click on the past events tab above or contact Jude Pickett for more information. We will also consider hosting for multiple years. 

If you would like to enter an application please complete and return the attached document. This includes more information regarding venue specifications. 

BUCS Cycling Championships 2022-23 - Bid Questionnaire.docx

Deadline for return - 30 September 2022

Responsibility of Host

BUCS will work with the successful bid applicant to put on the event, however these are some of our expecations of the host of any of our cycling events: 

  • Deliver a fair and safe event in line with BUCS Rules and Regulations and British Cycling/CTT Competition Rules.
  • Permit the event correctly through British Cycling/CTT.
  • Provide timing equipment.
  • Offer an entry fee that represents value for money for students - see tab regarding entry costs.
  • Create a sustainably budgeted event.
  • Consider an appropriate geographical location of the event for BUCS members.
  • Have the capacity to host the number of competitors, and/or set a reasonable limit to entries. 
  • Set a course that is safe but challenging and can be enjoyed by varying levels of athlete. 
  • Provide appropriate officials and staff / volunteers for the event.

For more information on the host venue responsibilities, including specific facility requirements, please refer to the Bid Questionnaire.

Responsibility of BUCS

With all of our events that are run in partnership with another organisation, BUCS provides support and guidance as detailed below:

  • A dedicated BUCS staff member who acts as a key contact for the Championships.
  • An online entry system for the Championships (BUCS Play).
  • Media and Marketing:
    • Pre and Post Event communications to competitors.
    • Promotion of the event to institutions via email marketing.
    • Promotion of the event on BUCS social media channels.
  • Event Branding where applicable.
  • Championship medals for top three individual open and females, and top three open and female teams.


BUCS ensures that all off our competitive programmes are inclusive to all, it is imperative that our chosen partner delivers a competition that is appropriate and enjoyable for all, taking into consideration the infrastructure for those with protected characteristics.

Entry Fees

Entry fees 

The entry fee for this event will be set by the successful bid applicant depending on their budget. Please see the bid document which outlines facility requirements to consider. BUCS recommend a 5% increase in line with inflation.

These are the prices per team over the last four years:   







3-Up Team Time Trial






10 – Mile Time Trial






25 – Mile Time Trial






Road Race






*2020-21 was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic; therefore these numbers are not reflective of a typical season due to national travel restrictions and lockdowns.

Expected Entries

To give an indication to Event Organisers of the number of teams expected at the events, the entry numbers from the previous few seasons are outlined below:






3-Up Team Time Trial


n/a Cancelled



10 – Mile Time Trial





25 – Mile Time Trial





Road Race






As you will notice, last season there was a large decrease in entry numbers from pre-pandemic levels. If you can provide any support to try and increase participation numbers, please get in touch. BUCS hopes that in 2022-23, we will see an increase in entry numbers again.

Preferred Dates

A preferred date for each event has been outlined below. The dates must be compatible with the academic year and the other events within the programme. NB. BUCS Events are typically held on weekends. If there is an alternative date that you think might be better, please get in contact.

3 – Up Team time trial - 18 / 19 March 2023 or 25 / 26 March 2023 - on the opposite date to 25 mile so riders can enter both events. 

10 Mile Time Trial - 22 / 23 April or 29 / 30 April 2023. 

25 Mile Time Trial - 18 / 19 March or 25 / 26 March 2023 - on the opposite date to 3 – Up.

Road Race – 13/ 14 May or 20 / 21 May 2023


If you have any questions or queries in relation to the bidding process or events in general, then please contact Jude Pickett.       


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