Introducing our new Student Director and Student Officers.

At BUCS Conference, Hustings 2024 took place where candidates gathered in the lecture theatre at the University of Warwick to put forward their manifestos. After an hour of discussion and 24 hours of voting, our new Student Director and Student Officers were revealed.

Alexandra Duggan (Newcastle University) has been elected as the new Student Director, meaning Duggan will sit on the BUCS Board. The three successful Student Officers completing the elected team are Philine Rouwers (University of Edinburgh), Hollie Korobczyc (Bangor University) and Jack Lambert (University of Worcester).

Alexandra, Philine, Hollie and Jack will work closely with already elected Student Director and BUCS Board trustee, Ella Williams and the Sabbatical Officer Network throughout the 2024-25 season to ensure student voice is heard.

Huge congratulations to our elected officers and thank you to all the candidates who put themselves forward and took part in Hustings 2024.

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