This is an overview of how institutions will work to have futsal referee appointments for the 2024-25 season.

The number of referees required and the level of qualification they should have are detailed in Appendix 5 (BUCS Match Officials Requirements). As has been the case since the 2019-20 season, the minimum requirement is one referee per match, but where possible two should be used.

Fixtures taking place in Scotland and Wales

As per previous seasons, the first named (home) institution/Playing Entity shall be responsible for sourcing/appointing referees in accordance with Appendix 5 (BUCS Match Officials Requirements).

Fixtures taking place in England

Men’s and Women’s Premier Tier and National Championship

Referees will be appointed by the FA Futsal Referees Appointments Officer, Ian Vaines, except for fixtures hosted by those institutions/Playing Entities who advise that they will source their own referees.

To ensure that appointments can be made, the following process shall take place for each fixture:

  • 14 days prior to each fixture, institutions/Playing entities need to have updated the start times and venues for all fixtures on BUCS Play.
  • These fixture details will be forwarded to Ian by BUCS so that he can begin to appoint referees.
  • Ian will aim to have referees appointed by four days prior to the fixture (Tuesday of that week), with these appointments being e-mailed to Institution Administrators by BUCS on the Wednesday morning. Any institutions/Playing Entities who have not been appointed the minimum of one referee by this stage should discuss alternative arrangements with their opposition, using REG 10.6.1 or REG 10.7 if required. They can still liaise with Ian directly to see if he is still able to try and help.
  • Institutions/Playing Entities must then contact the referee(s) directly to confirm final fixture details, including important information such as payment processes, parking, and kit colours of both teams.

Men’s and Women’s Tier 1 and below leagues, National Trophy and Conference Cups

As per previous seasons, the first named (home) institution/Playing Entity shall be responsible for sourcing/appointing referees in accordance with Appendix 5 (BUCS Match Officials Requirements).

Institutions/Playing Entities can request support with appointments from the FA Futsal Referees Appointments Officer, Ian Vaines, but appointment requests are not guaranteed to be fulfilled and responsibility sits with the first named (home) institution/Playing Entity to secure all officials. Please note that Ian’s role is voluntary and something he does in his spare time to support the futsal programme.

To request support with appointments, institutions/Playing Entities should use the following process:

  • Consider liaising with other institutions/Playing Entities to group fixtures or align with/fit around fixtures from other futsal competitions (such as the NFS) which may increase the chances of referees being available to cover multiple matches.
  • Email Ian as far as possible in advance of, and at least 10 working days before, the fixture, with all the fixture details.
  • Ian will be in touch as soon as possible to highlight any potential availability.
  • Please liaise with Ian directly to confirm appointment(s).

By submitting a request, this does not mean you will automatically be appointed an official. If you do not hear from Ian, please assume he has been unsuccessful in trying to appoint.

We also recommend you still try to seek your own appointment and inform Ian if you manage to appoint. Please note that Ian does this to his best endeavours and cannot accommodate every request.

Payment of referees

The following guidelines should be followed on payment for referees. If you have any issues with referees demanding more money, then please email [email protected].

  • Individual matches: £30 (plus mileage – 30p per mile).
  • Central venue matches: Central venue fees will be £90, this amount covers three games. If there is a full day with numerous games, the day is split into AM and PM sessions. In such cases, if a referee decides to officiate the entire day, they would receive £90 per session, totalling £180.
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