The grand finale of the BUCS Taekwondo season isn't one you'll want to miss. Pack your protectors, prepare your gameplan, and bring your A game!

Entry Opening Date

Tuesday 4 February 2025

Stage 1 Entry Closing Date

Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 23:59 – Student / Competitor Deadline

(Students / Competitors must apply by this deadline)

Thursday 27 February 2025 at 23:59 – Institution Administrator Deadline

(Institutional Administrators are given 48 hours after the student / competitor deadline to approve entries)

Stage 2 Entry

Should the competition allow more entries a Stage 2 Entry window will open. Priority will remain with the entries received before the Stage 1 entry closing date. Entries received in the Stage 2 window and accepted into the competition, will be charged an additional 20% fee.


Friday 28 February 2025


Tuesday 11 March 2025 at 23:59 – Student / Competitor Deadline

(Students / Competitors must apply by this deadline)

Thursday 13 March 2025 at 23:59 – Institution Administrator Deadline

(Institutional Administrators are given 48 hours after the student / competitor deadline to approve entries)

Entry Costs

Stage 1 costs:

Sparring entry £43.75

Individual patterns entry £35.25

Pairs patterns entry £18.89 per competitor

Team patterns entry £12.75 per competitor

Stage 2 costs:

Sparring entry £52.50

Individual patterns entry £42.30

Pairs patterns entry £22.75 per competitor

Team patterns entry £15.30 per competitor

BUCS Points

Team Points (all divisions)

The 8 institutions with the highest total score accumulated by all their registered student-athletes in all disciplines, classes and divisions across all three (autumn, winter, spring) championships are awarded: 20, 14 10, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1 BUCS points for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th team placement respectively.

Individual Points (individual A-class divisions only)

A BUCS individual 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th placement is awarded to the top four student-athletes in each A-class sparring and individual patterns division based on their final score across the series, awarding 12, 8, 6 and 4 BUCS points per A-class division respectively.

Student-athletes accumulate ranking points towards their final BUCS placement at each of the three (Autumn, Winter, Spring) Championships. Each student-athlete’s two highest ranking points values for each discipline, from across the three events, is counted towards their final score for overall individual BUCS placement.

See BUCS Points Attribution, Medals & Trophies for further details.

Entry Allowance

Institutions can request an unlimited number of non-guaranteed entries in any division. An entry cap may be set in advance or during an entry window. Should the event reach capacity, BUCS may need to restrict the number of entries per institution and Stage 1 registrants will be given priority, in the order entries were received, with student-athletes entered in Stage 1 also given priority over guest athletes.

Entry Process

To apply for the competition all eligible participants must follow these steps:

  1. Athletes, head-coaches, assistant coaches and trainee umpires must first register/ renew their membership pass on the BSTF website and record their BSTF ID code*.
    1. Competitors must obtain an Athlete Pass membership which matches their class level i.e., grade level for competition entry (A, B or C-class)
    2. Head-coaches must hold a Head-coach Pass type
    3. Assistant coaches (who are not current Athlete Pass holders) and trainee umpire quota entrants (who are not current Athlete Pass holders) must hold a General Pass type (and not an Affiliate Pass type)
  2. Coaches, assistant coaches and trainee umpire quota entrants must enter themselves via the BSTF registration form
    1. The number of qualified trainee umpires who register themselves on behalf of your team must meet the quota detailed in the entry information
    2. If a participant is entering an event in more than one role, for example as a competitor and an assistant coach, they must register on both BUCS Play (for their competition discipline(s) entry) and the BSTF registration form (for their assistant coach role entry)
  3. Competitors apply to the event on BUCS Play (instructions on how to do this can be found here) inputting their BSTF ID code where indicated during registration*
  4. Institution administrator approves BUCS Play entries
  5. BUCS approves/denies entry into competition and publishes confirmed entry list

*Your BSTF ID code can be found by logging in to manage your account (new accounts are typically reviewed and activated within 5 working days). Please apply for your annual membership as early as possible.

The number of qualified trainee umpires submitted must meet the quota detailed in the Entry Information.

Any data will be handled in accordance with BUCS Privacy Policy.

By participating in this event, you agree to adhere to BUCS General Event Disclaimer.

To check whether you are eligible to compete in BUCS competitions, please visit REG 4 Individual Eligibility.

Entry Review

Once your student-athletes have each individually registered to compete on BUCS Play, your Institution Administrator will be able to review your team’s entries on the Institution Administrator BUCS Play dashboard and must approve those entries by the Institution Administrator approval deadline (which ends exactly 2 days after the athlete entry deadline).

Once your student-athletes, coaches and trainee umpires have each successfully registered/ renewed their membership pass on the BSTF website, your club captains and institution administrators may review a list of your institution's current members, their pass types and BSTF ID codes via the Club Committee portal and Institution Administrator’s portal, respectively.

Once your head-coach, assistant coaches and trainee umpire quota members have each individually registered for the event via the BSTF registration form, your club captains and institution administrators may review a list of team's BSTF registration form (i.e., non-athlete registrations) via the Club Committee portal and Institution Administrator’s portal, respectively. It is the responsibility of the Club Committee members and/ or Institution Administrator to review head-coach &  assistant coach entries and notify BSTF via their online contact form if they do not wish to grant coaching responsibilities to those members.

Membership Pass Registration Closing Date


Each individual participant must hold a British Student Taekwondo Federation (BSTF) membership pass of the correct type to compete in BUCS Taekwondo competitions. Individual membership passes are available online, including new memberships and renewals for student-athletes, trainee umpires and coaches. Student-athletes must obtain a membership pass which matches their level of competition entry (A, B or C-class).

Autumn Championships, New applications/ Renewal of BSTF Membership Pass Closing Date - Friday 01 November 2024 at 23:59 – All participants deadline (Athletes/ Coaches/ Trainee Umpires must complete membership registration by this deadline)

Winter Championships, New applications/ Renewal of BSTF Membership Pass Closing Date - Friday 24 January 2025 at 23:59 – All participants deadline (Athletes/ Coaches/ Trainee Umpires must complete membership registration by this deadline)

Spring Championships, New applications/ Renewal of BSTF Membership Pass Closing Date - Friday 21 February 2025 at 23:59 – All participants deadline (Athletes/ Coaches/ Trainee Umpires must complete membership registration by this deadline)

Additional Information for BUCS Play

BSTF ID Code (required). Enter your BSTF ID code, including the hyphens and with no spaces. Use capital letters only e.g., ABCDEFGH-JKL-MNP. Login to your BSTF account to find your ID code (it will be listed on the BSTF website > Manage Your Account page).

World Taekwondo Senior World ranking at -2 months from the date of the competition (if applicable). Enter your WT Senior World rank, if you have one, for the same weight division listed entered and two months before the month of BSTF BUCS competition. For example, if you are competing 01 March 2025 then the ranking must submit your January 2025 ranking on the site

Para-taekwondo category entries. Please contact [email protected] in advance of para division entry, in advance of all deadlines, for further information.

Guest Entries

Alumni athlete entries are permitted. Alumni athletes must meet the BSTF entry criteria and hold a valid alumnus athlete membership pass. See 05 Entry Guide for Athletes for further information.


Notify BUCS of withdrawals if before the stage 1 entry deadline via Joe Gallimore

Notify BSTF of withdrawals if after the stage 1 entry deadline via [email protected]

Withdrawal made before the stage 1 entry deadline will not be charged.

Withdrawal made after the stage 1 entry deadline will still be charged the entry fee.

Para Sport

For both Kukkiwon Individual Patterns and Chang-Hon Individual Patterns there are additional divisions for the following para-ability levels:

  • Visual Impairment – P10
  • Intellectual Impairment – P20
  • Neurological Impairments – P30
  • Physical Impairments – P40
  • Adaptive devices – P50
  • Deaf – P60
  • Short Stature – P70

Please contact [email protected] in advance of entry for further information.

Photography and Videography

Anyone wishing to take photos or video at this event must complete the BUCS Media Accreditation Form prior to the event. 

BUCS reserves the right to prohibit photography equipment being used at a BUCS event. BUCS reserves the right to request that the individual ceases to take photographs, deletes any images and, if considered necessary, leaves the venue. 

If you wish to take photos or videos at this event, please contact the BUCS Event Lead.  

Safeguarding at BUCS Events

BUCS’ mission is to provide exceptional student sporting experiences that inspire, develop and unite. 

Critical to our success is our commitment to always providing safe, friendly and enjoyable environments for all participants. Whether competing, coaching, officiating, volunteering, working or spectating at these events, the welfare of all is critical to our mission. 

To find out more or report a concern, please click here.


All questions should in the first instance should be directed to your Institution Administration.