
Entries for Checking

Please check your entries below.

Entries for Checking

For any withdrawals: Complete the withdrawal form below and attach to an email to your Institution Administrator with the subject title: BUCS SCS Withdrawal. Your Institution Administrator should pass your email on to the event lead.

Entry Withdrawal Form

For entry time amendments: Please email your Institution Administrator with the subject title: BUCS SCS Amendment. Provide details of your institution, the competitor name, the event and the amendment. Minor amendments by a couple hundredths of a second will NOT be made. Changes for the Friday  can be made until 16:00 on Thursday 16th November 2022. For the Saturday, changes can be made until 12:00 on the Friday and likewise changes for Sunday can be made until 12:00 on the Saturday at the Event. Any changes to entry information are subject to a £10 admin fee. 

As per the entry information, if you entered more than 4 individual events, your entries have been cut to the limited amount. The events you have been rejected from cannot be changed.

Rejected Entries:

If your entry was rejected this could be due to one of the reasons below:

  • Your entry was not approved by your Institution Administrator
  • We reached capacity and your entry did not meet the Standard Entry Time
  • Your entry time was outside of the event's Consideration or Qualification Time. 
Rejected Entries