The first event of the year for sailing won't be one you want to miss! Enter your boats, grab your wetsuits and get on the water for the BUCS Fleet Sailing Championships!


Entry Dates & Costs


11th – 12th November 2023


Helensburgh Sailing Club

Rhu Rd Lower



G84 8QT


Tuesday 12th September 2023


Tuesday 31st October 2023 at 23:59 – Student / Competitor Deadline

(Students / Competitors must apply by this deadline)

Thursday 2nd November 2023 at 23:59 – Institution Administrator Deadline

(Institutional Administrators are given 48 hours after the student / competitor deadline to approve entries)


£50 for Single Handed Boats

£100 for Double Handed Boats


This competition will NOT operate a staged entry process. As such, please ensure all entries are submitted through BUCS Play prior to the closing date listed above.





Friday 10th November 2023


Helensburgh Sailing Club Open to drop of boats with HSC/USSC member present.

14:00 - 18:00


Registration Opens


Registration Closes


Saturday 11th November 2023

Registration Opens


Registration Closes


Competitors Briefing


1st Warning Signal Not Before


Number of Races


Sunday 12th November 2023

1st Warning Signal Not Before


Number of Races


No Warning Signal After


Prize Giving

ASAP After Racing

BUCS Points

Prizes will be awarded as follows and in accordance with BUCS Sailing Regulations:

Men’s Team Prize: The Men’s team prize will be awarded to teams from the same institution which has the 3 boats of all males having the combined lowest score. Each boat must have raced in a class which has 15 or more entries. If a class has less than 15 entries and is combined with another class, a boat which would have raced in the former class will be awarded points as if they had entered in the combined class. BUCS points are awarded to the top 8 teams.

Women’s Team Prize: The Women’s team prize will be awarded to teams from the same institution which has the 3 boats of all females who have the combined lowest score. Each boat must have raced in a class which has 15 or more entries. If a class has less than 15 entries and is combined with another class, a boat which would have raced in the former class will be awarded points as if they had entered in the combined class. BUCS points are awarded to the top 8 teams.

BUCS Medals and BUCS Points: BUCS Medals and points will be awarded to boats placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the Firefly and Handicap fleets. Boats placed 4th in the Firefly and Handicap fleets will also be awarded BUCS points.

Firefly Class Prize:  Awarded by the National Firefly Association.  Free entry into the 2024 Firefly Nationals will be awarded to the team who finish 1st overall in the Firefly Class.

Entry Allowance

This event is limited to a capacity of 80 boats across all institutions.

Entry Process


To apply for the competition all eligible competitors must follow these steps:

  1. Competitor to apply to the event on BUCS Play (Instructions can be found here)
  2. Institution administrator approves entry (Instructions can be found here)
  3. BUCS approves/denies entry into competition and publishes confirmed entry list.

For double handed boats, only the helm should enter the event. Crew members should enter the Crewing and Reserves List on BUCS Play (Found within the Events tab, not the Fleet Racing Competition). Failure to do this will result in your boat being refused entry.

Any data will be handled in accordance with BUCS Privacy Policy

By participating in this event, you agree to adhere to BUCS General Event Disclaimer

To check whether you are eligible to compete in BUCS competitions, please visit REG 4 Individual Eligibility.

Rules & Regulations

The Notice of Race can be found on the Official Notice Board, here.

The BUCS Rules and Regulations for sailing can be found here.

Crewing & Reserve List

All crew members, potential competitors and reserves need to be registered on the ‘Crewing and Reserves List’ on BUCS Play to be eligible to compete in any sailing event this year. Competitors for the Fleets will need to be entered onto this by Thursday 2nd November 2023 at the latest in order to be eligible for selection for the BUCS Fleet Racing Championships. This will remain open for additional sailors to be added in preparation for the other sailing Championships. Clubs are strongly advised to register all their sailors who may compete in this event, just in case.

Helms need not join this, but ensure all details are filled out correctly when entering the competition.

BUSA Membership

All institutions participating in BUSA/BUCS events are required to be members of BUSA. The Annual subscription, as described on the BUSA website is required in order to participate. This fee includes your club’s RYA Affiliation.

SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE DUE BY 1st NOVEMBER 2023. If you have not received your invoice by October, please request it via email to

It is the responsibility of either the individual or institution to ensure that all entrants have appropriate insurance in order to compete. BUSA and BUCS DO NOT insure any competitor for any of their events.

Para Sport

Disabled participants can compete in this event. Sailors should contact BUSA ( after their entry has been submitted, so we can ensure that we and the club have adequate support in place.

Food & Drink

Soup and bread will be provided after sailing in Helensburgh Sailing Club kitchen.

Nearby cafes include:

The Brae Shop (address)

Café Rhu (address)

Tesco, Co-op and Morrisons also located in Helensburgh.

Social Media

  • BUCS Fleet Racing Championships 2023 on Facebook (event page)
  • British Universities Sailing Association on Facebook
  • The University of Strathclyde Sailing Club on Facebook
  • Helensburgh Sailing Club on Facebook
  • @strathsailing on Instagram
  • @BUSAmedia on Instagram
  • @BUCSsport on Twitter