Event Guide


Schedule to be confirmed after team entries are approved and accepted entries are released.

Acceptance and Match Information

All institutions will be guaranteed at least a pair up to event capacity. Please see Entry Information tab for more information on how to enter. 

Approved team entries will be published on the event page by Monday 5th May 2025 following the entry approval deadline on Thursday 1st May 2025. 

Draws will be released the Thursday prior to the event to ensure that, as much as possible, we maintain accurate seeding, while teams from the same institutions are split throughout the draws, after any withdrawals are received. The offical format will be decided once all entries have been collated. 

This tournament is a stand alone event. All timings for the day are provisional and subject to change but will be communicated to all students attending the event.


Any pairing unable to attend must inform Kristian Jackson (Regional Competitons Coordinator) as soon as possible, copying in their Athletic Union to ensure they are aware of the withdrawal.


  • Withdrawals prior to Wednesday 7th May 2025 at 12pm will still be charged the entry fee unless not accepted into the draw.
  • Withdrawals after 12pm on Wednesday 7th May 2025: £50
  • Fine for no show pairs on the day: £100

Other Event Information








For any questions regarding the LUSL Padel 2024-25 Tournament, please contact: Kristian Jackson  - BUCS Regional Competitions Coordinator. 

LUSL Events 2024-25 Policy

1. Prior to the event entry closing date, any entries submitted can be amended or removed. There is no charge to amend an entry prior to the deadline. Entry fees will not be charged for entries removed prior to the deadline.

2. Once the event entry closing date has passed, entry fees will be charged for all entries submitted except for where any of the following apply:

  • If BUCS has rejected an entry for not meeting the criteria, the institution will not be charged the entry fee. For example, an entry is rejected in Athletics for not meeting an entry standard.
  • If BUCS has rejected an entry due to the event having reached capacity, the institution will not be charged the entry fee. Please note: For events which operate a reserve list for entries not initially accepted into the event, if an entry is not withdrawn from the reserve list and is subsequently added to the event, the entry fee will be charged.

3. Once the event entry closing date has passed, most events do not charge a fine for withdrawals up to ‘x’ time prior to the event. However, after this period, most events will charge a fine for ‘late withdrawals’ or ‘no-shows’. This will all be detailed in the entry information for each event, including how withdrawal requests must be submitted. Fines for ‘late withdrawals’ or ’no-shows’ will not be charged where an individual/member of a team has to withdraw for medical reasons (and where applicable they are not able to be replaced) and this can be evidenced by a medical/doctor's note.

4. As mentioned in points 2 and 3, some events will offer the opportunity for institutions to replace individuals/teams who are no longer able to compete, using other individuals/teams entered elsewhere in the event or that they have registered on a specific reserve list. Any events which have a substitution policy will have this clearly detailed in the entry information. Alternatively, some events which are often oversubscribed will place any entries not initially accepted onto a reserve list and individuals/teams from this reserve list will be called up to replace any withdrawals/no-shows in accordance with the event specific policy.

Event Disclaimer

The below disclaimer is applied to all BUCS Events. By participating in BUCS Events you agree to the below.

BUCS will make every reasonable effort to ensure its events are run in safe environments. It is the responsibility of all BUCS member institutions and their student-athletes to consider any known medical conditions before entering or competing in a BUCS event.

If you know or are aware of a medical condition that might interfere with you exercising or participating safely, please consult a medical professional before participating.

It is in the interests of all event competitors to inspect the conditions of the competition area and it is entirely your decision to take part.

Please ensure you are fully conversant with the rules of the event. By entering the competition, this acts as the agreement that neither the organisers nor their agents, officials, volunteers, landowners, sponsors or fellow competitors shall be liable in any way or in any circumstances for any damage or injury suffered by the individual in connection with this event.

All participants assume full responsibility for any and all injuries, losses and damages that are incurred while participating in BUCS events.

By participating in the BUCS event, you agree:

  • to abide by the rules of the competition and any additional event instructions;
  • that you are participating entirely at your own risk; that you will participate in a manner that is safe;
  • that any personal event equipment you use will be in good working order and properly maintained;
  • to abide by the rules of the site; to accept that you will be liable for any damage caused (knowingly or otherwise);
  • to behave in a manner that befits a national sporting event, and any misbehaviour may result in disciplinary action.

As part of the entry process, we collect mobile phone numbers to use in case of last-minute event changes/cancellations and to pass out key information. 

During the event various filming, photography and broadcasting may take place. By your presence at this event you grant your permission for your likeness and voice to be included in pictures and / or on film, and their advertising without compensation or credit.