Entry Costs & Dates

Entry Costs

£112.50 per individual competitor

Entry Dates

Entries Open

Tuesday 21st January 2025

Entries Close

Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 23:59 - Student / Competitor Deadline

(Students / Competitors must apply by this deadline)

Thursday 27 February 2025 at 23:59 - Insitution Administrator Deadline

(Institutional Administrators are given 48 hours after the student /  competitor deadline to approve entries)

Single Entry

This competition will NOT operate a staged entry process. As such, please ensure all entries are submitted through BUCS Play prior to the closing date listed above.

BUCS Points and Medals

Please read Appendix 1 in conjunction with BUCS Regulation 6

Entry Allowance

There is no limit on the number of competitors an institution can enter into this competition. Acceptance into the competition is based on a competitor’s handicap.

Competitors who are not accepted will be kept on a reserve list.

Competition Format

Part of the BUCS Golf Tour 2024-25.

This is a 54 hole individual stroke play competition played over three days. There will be a cut after 36 holes. The number of golfers progressing to the final round will be determined once entries close.

Specific start times for all competitors will be published alongside the Event Guide.

This event has been approved by the WAGR™ Committee as a Counting Event for both men and women (subject to meeting eligibility criteria). WAGR™ is managed externally to BUCS.


Withdrawals must be made in writing by the athletic union or students’ union and e-mailed to Maddi Cannell and Chris Purdie, the BUCS & SSS Event Managers.

Withdrawals after the entry closing date (Thursday 27 February 2025) will still be charged the entry fee (Reg 3.2.4).

Withdrawal of a competitor does not guarantee a replacement into the competition. Reserves will only be charged an entry fee if they are accepted into the competition. Competitors who do not withdraw, and do not register at the venue, will be classified as a ‘no-show’ and charged the entry fee and an additional £50 fine payable by the competitor’s athletic union or students’ union (Reg 4.4).

Please see REG 7.9 for our withdrawal policy

Reserve List

Competitors who are not allocated a tee time on the start sheet will be included on the reserve list. Following the close of Stage 1 entries the reserve list will be arranged in handicap order. If an accepted competitor withdraws from the competition their tee time will be offered to the next competitor on the reserve list. BUCS will contact the institution of the reserve competitor to offer this tee time.

If a reserve competitor is unable to take the tee time BUCS will contact the next institution until the tee time is taken. Reserve competitors should communicate their availability with their athletic union or students’ union and remain available should withdrawals occur.

If a competitor on the reserve list no longer wishes to be considered for the competition; they must inform their institution and withdraw following the process detailed in the entry information.

If the competition is at capacity; entries received within Stage 2 will be added to the reserve list. Where applicable; priority for tee times will remain with the entries received before the Stage 1 entry closing date.

Photography & Videography

Anyone wishing to take photos or video at this event must complete the BUCS Media Accreditation Form prior to the event

Safeguarding at BUCS Events

BUCS’ mission is to provide exceptional student sporting experiences that inspire, develop and unite.

Critical to our success is our commitment to always providing safe, friendly and enjoyable environments for all participants. Whether competing, coaching, officiating, volunteering, working or spectating at these events, the welfare of all is critical to our mission.

To find out more or report a concern, please click here.