Venue and Parking
Tomarton Parish Hall, High Street, Tormarton, Badminton, Gloucestershire, GL9 1HU

From the M4, exit at junction 18 (signposted for Stroud), north on the A46 towards Stroud. Take the first right turn onto Acton Turville Rd towards Tormarton. Tormarton Village Hall is in the center of the village (see map above); turn right onto Cotswolds Way beyond the Best Western Compass Inn (see parking).
There is only limited parking at the event HQ; the carpark at the Best Western Compass Inn (see map above) will be used as overflow parking for competitors. This is located on the right as you approach Tormarton village. Please note that the Compass Inn has asked that you must park on the grassed overflow which will leave space for the Inn’s customers to park in the car park.
Please attempt to park here and ride to the HQ (about 1km) rather than driving into and parking in the village as the main road through the village is on the race route. Please keep left on the race route so as to not obstruct teams that are racing; teams on the race route have priority over you. Under no circumstances should you park on the race route.
Please be aware that Best Western Compass Inn customers have priority in the overflow car park – please listen to the marshalls who will guide you to parking.
Course Details
Strava Route:

To the START. Turn LEFT out of the HQ onto Marshfield Road. The start is located in the layby on your left approximately 200m from the HQ. Please be aware that you are on the race route, and you should avoid obstructing the course for teams racing by keeping to the left. |
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Head south on Marshfield Road to Shire Hill. Beware: As you join road, teams who are racing may be passing the start on their way to the finish. |
Descend into Broadmead Brook. Beware: Road is narrow on the fast descent and approaching vehicles maybe in centre of road. You should endeavour to keep to the left-hand side of the road but should be aware of the broken road surface on the left-hand gutter at the bottom of the hill (see image). |
Continue onto Tormarton Road to junction with the A420. |
Turn left onto A420 towards Chippenham. Beware: You are joining a main road and MUST give way to approaching traffic. Keep to the left-hand side as you join the A420 (see image). |
Continue A420 to the junction with the B4039. |
Turn sharp left onto B4039 towards Castle Combe. Beware: This is a tight corner, and you must give way to traffic coming from the right as you join the B4039. You should not cross the centre broken white line on the exit of the corner. Spotters will be located at this junction, and any teams that cross the broken white line may be penalized (see image). |
Continue on B4039 through Yatton Keynell to Acton Turville. Beware: Parked cars in Yatton Keynell (see image). |
Turn left in Acton Turville onto Tormarton Road. Beware: The visibility for this corner is poor, and the road surface is broken. There is a post office just after the corner so there may be pedestrians (see image). |
Continue on Tormarton Road/Acton Turville Road to Tormarton village. Road Surface is broken in places. |
Turn left onto Church Road |
Follow road round to the left through the village. Beware: Corner is blind, so keep left on exit of corner. Be aware of parked cars in village after the corner (see image). |
Pass the Start. |
Descend into Broadmead Brook (for the second time). Beware: Road is narrow on the fast descent and approaching vehicles may be in centre of road. You should endeavour to keep to the left-hand side of the road but should be aware of the broken road surface on the left-hand gutter at the bottom of the hill. |
Continue on Marshfield Road to the Finish. |
Finish is located at the entrance to C.E. Davies site, approximately 300m before the junction with the A420. Please shout your number at the FINISH. After crossing the finish line, please be aware that you are still on the race route and teams who are still racing may be passing you. |
Continue beyond the finish to the cemetery on the left before the junction with the A420. You should turn around here and return to the HQ. Please do not perform U-turns whilst still on the main carriageway, please turn around at the cemetery. |
Whilst returning to the HQ, please keep to the left-hand side of the road, especially on the descent to Broadmead Brook, as racing teams will be approaching you from the opposite direction (see image). |
12:00 - BUCS Men's 3-Up TTT
14:00 - BUCS Women's 3-Up TTT
Post Women's Race - Medal Presentations for both events
All competitors are required to sign on before the start. Signing on sheets will be located in HQ where teams will also pick up their race numbers.
Competitiors MUST ensure they sign out and return their numbers to HQ after they have finished racing.
Disabled Access
A drink will be available at HQ on return of race numbers. Please note food will NOT be available at the venue; please ensure you bring adequate food.
Cycling Time Trials states that all competitors MUST wear protective hard-shell helmets and have a working front AND rear light (either flashing or constant), or you will not be allowed to start.
To assist the timekeepers and other officials, riders from each team should wear similar jerseys. Please do not wear cycling shoes in the main hall.
The Police have requested that inconvenience to the public and other road users be kept to a minimum.
Riders are asked to take great care and note the following points:
•To avoid congestion at the start please queue off the main road in single file
•Please do not make ‘U’ turns at either the start or finish
•Please be considerate to other road users including horses and riders
•Please take extra care when joining the A420
•Please take care at all the junctions
•Please be aware of the surroundings and other road users at the finish
•With the condition of many roads across the country a concern, please be extra careful
Dangerous riding will result in disqualification. Please keep your head up for a safe ride.
Social Media
Facebook: @UOBathCycling
Instagram: @uobathcycling