
Manchester Regional Arena

Gate 13

Etihad Campus

Rowsley Street


M11 3FF

Entry Costs & Dates

Entry Costs

£23.25 per individual event

£41.50 per relay team

£2 per reserve

Entry Dates

Entries Open

Wednesday 5th March 2025*

*Please note we are experiencing an issue opening this event on BUCS Play. This is the reason for the pushed back opening date, this may be pushed back further.

Entries Close

Individual Events

Tuesday 8th April 2025 at 23:59 – Student / Competitor Deadline

(Students / Competitors must apply by this deadline)

Thursday 10th April 2025 at 23:59 – Institution Administrator Deadline

(Institutional Administrators are given 48 hours after the student / competitor deadline to approve entries)

Team Events

Thursday 10th April 2025 at 23:59 – Team Entry Deadline

(Deadline for teams to have been entered on BUCS Play by an Institution Administrator)

Single Entry

This competition will NOT operate a staged entry process. As such, please ensure all entries are submitted through BUCS Play prior to the closing date listed above.

Parallel Success

The following events will take place at the Outdoor Championships 2024-25:

Ambulant 100m (Men’s and Women’s)

Ambulant 200m (Men’s and Women’s)

Ambulant 400m (Men’s and Women’s)

Ambulant Discus (Men’s and Women’s)

Ambulant Long Jump (Men’s and Women’s)

Ambulant Shot Put (Men’s and Women’s)

Seated Shot Put (Men’s and Women’s)

Seated Discus (Men’s and Women’s)

Wheelchair 100m (Men’s and Women’s)

Wheelchair 800m (Men’s and Women’s

BUCS incorporate events for eligible student athletes with disabilities. Please see Timetable for details and Guide to Parallel Success (Disability) Athletics Entries.

Classification is an integral part of disability athletics to ensure fair competition. All athletes participating in these events must have undergone at least a UKA National Level Classification by the competition date. UKA can advise on details on any classification events coming up soon for athletes requiring a Classification. To do this, please contact Job King.

The Parallel Success events will be eligible for team and BUCS points and medals awarded depending on the numbers of entrants into each event. Events will be mixed categories scored on the RAZA system. If there are vacant lanes in the track events and sufficient space in the field events guest disability athletes may be invited to compete.

The RAZA system enables different classifications to compete against each other and RAZA calculates the best performance (BP) based on world records for each classification. In the Parallel Success events, medals will be awarded for the top three competitors in each event. Following BUCS regulation, BUCS points will be only available for events where an individual has beaten another individual. For example, if there is only one individual in a race, they will receive a gold medal. If there are two athletes, they will receive gold and silver medals, and the gold medal winner will also receive BUCS points.

Students wishing to enter these events for athletes with disabilities must enter via their Athletic Union/Sports Office in the same manner as all other entries for these events. There is no requirement for athletes to have previously competed in the specific event. For any questions regarding Parallel Success, please contact Maddi Cannell.

Ambulant, Seated and Wheelchair Events - Guest Entries

BUCS will consider accepting guest entries from non-BUCS member institutions for Ambulant, Seated and Wheelchair events taking place at the Indoor Championships. Athletes wishing to enter as a guest should contact Maddi Cannell and apply for the event via BUCS Play. This will be taking as an expression of interest, and any applicants will be contacted after entries close to confirm whether they will be given a place at the event or not.

For information about how to enter as a Guest please refer to this help guide.

Performance Standards for 3rd and 4th Athletes

Please click here to download a copy of the performance standards for 3rd and 4th athletes.

Entry Standards









Pole Vault



Triple Jump




All athletes must provide a link to their Power of 10 Profile (or international equivalent, emailed to Maddi Cannell and translated into English) when applying for the event on BUCS Play. All electronic links for Best Performance will be checked and modified if appropriate.

These standards must have been achieved between 1st January 2023 and entry closing date Tuesday 8th  April 2025.

This applies to Reserves/substitutes as well.

N.B  If an athlete has both a wind assisted and non-wind assisted BP, preference will be given to the non-wind assisted BP and altered accordingly.

Permitted Performance Table

All performances must be achieved between 1st January 2023 and the entry closing date Tuesday 8th April 2025 inclusive.




100m Track time.

OR must have a 60m Indoor or Outdoor Track time (Athlete will be given the appropriate converted entry BP for seeding purposes from the WA Scoring Tables. This process will only be used if they do not have a 100m time in the qualifying period).


100mH/110mH Track time (including Junior 110mH).

OR must have a 60mH Track time (Athlete will be given the appropriate converted entry BP for seeding purposes from the WA Scoring Tables. This process will only be used if they do not have a 100mH/110mH time in the qualifying period).

Junior Men’s Hurdles times accepted. Younger age group performances will not be accepted.

400m H

400mH Outdoor Track time only.


200m Indoor or Outdoor Track time.


400m Indoor or Outdoor Track time.


800m Indoor or Outdoor Track time.


1500m Indoor or Outdoor Track time.


5000m Track time. Only Track times are accepted for qualifying.

OR a 3000m Track time which can be converted by World Athletics scoring tables.

This process will only be used if they do not have a 5000m time in the qualifying period).

A 5000m time will take precedence over a 3000m time for seeding if both are available for the athlete.

Women’s 2000m Steeplechase


2000m Steeplechase Outdoor Track time.

OR must have times for BOTH 1500m Steeplechase AND at least 2000m on the flat (Athlete will be given an entry BP from the WA Scoring Tables of Athletics will be used for seeding purposes)

Men’s 3000m Steeplechase


3000m Steeplechase Outdoor Track time

OR must have times for BOTH 2000m Steeplechase AND at least 3000m on the flat (Athlete will be given an entry BP from the WA Scoring Tables of Athletics will be used for seeding purposes)



Shot & Hammer

Women only 4Kg performances accepted.  Men 7.26Kg. (A Junior Weight 6Kg, is only acceptable if there is no performance with a 7.26Kg implement.


Women only 1Kg performances accepted. Men 2.0Kg. (A Junior Weight 1.75Kg is only accepted if there is no performance with a 2.00Kg implement.


Women only 600g performance are accepted. Men 800g.


Disability events – They must be classified.  Shot and Discus appropriate to disability.

All disability events will be scored on the RAZA points system.


Athletes and teams who fail to advise the BUCS Registration desk of any withdrawals or substitutions prior to the 120-minute deadline before the event will be liable to a fine. 



No Show or Late Withdrawal from a Heat


No Show or Late Withdrawal from a Final


Any student withdrawing from the final of an event will face the above fine and will not be permitted to compete in any other events during the Championships.

Rules and Regulations

The BUCS Athletics Championships shall be conducted in accordance with the BUCS Athletics Rules and Regulations, the BUCS general regulations, and the UKA (UK Athletics) and Para-athletics Rules of Competition.

All other rules and regulations will be outlined in the event guide.

BUCS Points

Please see Appendix 1 for the BUCS Points available at this event.

BUCS Points will not be allocated where the minimum number of competitors/teams has not been reached, or where there are not enough individual scores to extract a team score.

An individual/team must have beaten another individual/team to score BUCS Points (i.e. if three individuals/teams compete in an event, only two will score BUCS Points). This does not apply to extracted teams. Individuals/teams are regarded as having competed if they started the event; therefore DNS will not be regarded as having competed. Points will be available for para-athletes where applicable.


Reserves must be entered on BUCS Play alongside the entries which must include a link to Power of 10 or equivalent.

Do not submit a reserve if they are already entered into an event.

There is no limit to the number of reserves an institution can enter. Only athletes named on the reserve list or already competing in the competition will be able to be used as substitutes.

Substitutes must have an eligible BP within the qualifying period, meaning between 1st January 2023 and the entry closing date 8th April 2025, inclusive, for the event they are to be substituted into, and this will be checked when the substitution is made.

Following the closure of entries and any subsequent checking of Best Performances, athletes on the reserve list will not be allowed to be substituted into an event from which they have previously been rejected if the reason for rejection was failing to provide a Best Performance within the  qualifying period, failing to provide a Power of 10 link (or equivalent results link) or not meeting the required entry standard where standards are necessary.


To enter a team into the relays, the Institution Administrator should enter this team on BUCS Play. Athletes DO NOT need to enter this team pre-event. Teams are declared on the day via the BUCS Registration Desk. Anyone entered into an individual event or on the reserve list is eligible to be declared in the relay team. If an athlete not entering any individual events and only the relay wishes to compete, they must be entered as a reserve on BUCS Play.

Photography and Videography

Anyone wishing to take photos or video at this event must complete the BUCS Media Accreditation Form prior to the event

During this event, various filming, photography, and broadcasting may take place. By your presence at this event, you grant your permission for your likeness and voice to be included in pictures and/or on film, and their advertising without compensation or credit.

If you wish to take photos or videos at this event, please contact the BUCS Event Lead. 


An entrant shall be deemed to have made him/herself/their self, familiar with, and agreed to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.
The UKA Anti-Doping Rules apply to entrants participating in the sport of Athletics, for 12 months from the date of entry, whether or not the licence holder is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK

Safeguarding at BUCS Events

BUCS’ mission is to provide exceptional student sporting experiences that inspire, develop and unite.

Critical to our success is our commitment to always providing safe, friendly and enjoyable environments for all participants. Whether competing, coaching, officiating, volunteering, working or spectating at these events, the welfare of all is critical to our mission.

To find out more or report a concern, please click here.